Forthcoming courses 2008


Life Purpose Vision Workshop

When: 31 Oct and 1 Nov 2008. Friday eve and Saturday all day.
Where: Tannerstrasse 70, Aarau, Switzerland.
Time: Fri 6.30 pm to 9.30 ; Sat 9 am to 5 pm with a 1 hour lunch break
Cost: 250 chf,

Your hands provide a wealth of information about who you are, your strengths
and also your weaknesses; what talents you have and what you need to work on
for your life purpose to flourish.

During this workshop we revisit the map in your hands and give you the tools to:

  • Clarify intent
  • Create an effective action plan
  • Set a daily routine in place for success
  • Develop self mastery to reach your goals
  • Private energy work with Laurene to clarify intent
  • Private hand analysis with Jena to clarify life purpose
  • Due to the nature of the workshop, which includes intense individual support,
    we've limited course numbers to 8 maximum.

    Course requirements: Participants must have had a full hand analysis session
    with Jena before the course starts.

    Der Kurs wird auf Englisch und Deutsch durchgef�hrt!

    Course leaders:

    Jena Griffiths: IIHA Certified hand analyst, BA Bsc(Hons), PCE.
    Laurene Schaerer-Lindstrom: Electromagnetic Field Balancing Technique practitioner, BA Ed

    To book your place on this course
    or phone (052)3941333