hand analysis tip: curvy equals emotional
A curvy heart line means an emotional communication style.
A curvy headline means an emotional thinking style.
A curvy attack line means there is lots of emotion invested in whatever issue is under attack.
A curvy thumb shape means your decisions are based on emotion.
How does this help you?
Knowing this stuff helps you to be more conscious and make more conscious decisions.
This is how one flips the switch between heaven and hell.
Heaven is when the lights are on, hell is when one is stumbling around bumping into painful experiences, or treading on other people's toes unwittingly.
Here's an example:
If you have a curvy head line this indicates a subjective thinking style. The more curved this (or any) line gets the more emotion involved.
But what does this actually mean?
As with everything related to hands, there's a positive and a negative side.
On the positive side, having a subjective brain means you'll be more empathetic, you can see the other side so you'll give the other person the benefit of the doubt, maybe even if they're busy robbing your house!
The negative side?
Having a subjective brain means you have a tendency to always take things personally.
Here's an example:

So, how to flip the switch?
Try not to take anything that anyone else says or does personally. Easier said than done but the key is to watch yourself in process. When you start getting upset about anything stop a moment. Ask yourself is this really true? How can I be sure? How does this thought make me feel? How would I feel without this thought? Then turn the thought around. Where's the mirror? In what way am I doing this to myself?
These 4 questions come from Byron Katie's 'Loving what is'.
A powerful way to flip the switch from hell back to heaven.
Labels: Byron Katie, emotional thinking, emotions, fingerprints, hand analysis, life mission, life purpose, palmistry, subjective thinking