Dangling X's


Do you have X's dangling from your heartline?

Dangling X's indicate that you are feeling unsupported in some way.
The question you need to ask is: under which finger do they appear?
X's dangling under the ring finger indicate that you feel unsupported by friends.
If they dangle under the heart line under the pinkie finger this indicates that you
feel unsupported by your spouse/partner.

The Point of Intimacy

The point of intimacy is a spot on the heart line midway between the ring finger and pinkie.
This area reflects extreme emotions related to intimacy.

For example, if your heart was severly broken by a partner, there'll be a bubble there.
A X dangling under the point of intimacy means you feel unsupported by your intimate partner,
perhaps even betrayed.
Ask yourself: In what way am I not supporting me?

To find out more have your hands analysed by Jena
more information.