Earth Schools

The 4 Earth Schools -
good news/bad news

School of service:

Are you an angel helper or someone�s slave?

Some people are built to help others to such an extent that they�ll even sacrifice
their own well being if doing so furthers a greater cause.

If this is you, you just can't help yourself. It's in your blood.

The problem is, other people can smell this and quickly take advantage.

You need to learn to serve others by serving yourself.

The whorl fingerprint:

whorl fingerprint
whorl fingerprint

whorl variation
whorl variation

composite whorl
composite whorl

If you have three or more whorls in your fingerprints you�re this type.

Angel helper or slave? It�s your choice. The only difference is consciousness.

A good analogy is the emergency drill in airplanes. If you put the oxygen mask on yourself first you�ll be able to help everyone else. But if you try to put it on someone else before yourself you�ll end up with 2 dead bodies.

Sometimes it takes people with whorls on their fingerprints a lifetime to figure this out. The trick is to serve others by living your passion. By doing what really turns you on. Then you�re getting oxygen and you can help others do the same.

Usually one needs to go through a selfish or narcissistic phase en route in order to let go of group thinking and burdensome obligation.

This is a natural path. Smile, relax. You�re an angel helper, not a slave.

School of love:

Are you a heart connector or a butterfly?

If you have 7 or more loops in your fingerprints this means that you are a heart connector. You're here to master the love and emotional authenticity.

The loop fingerprint:

a loop fingerprint
a loop fingerprint

a loop fingerprint

The key to making your life work is to stay with your emotions, and express them appropriately no matter what others around you are thinking, doing or saying.

And when you truely live this, you have the capacity to connect many people together through your emotional presence, through the heart, through relationship.

You�re a kind of cross pollinator, like a butterfly.

The dominant theme in your life is all about the mastery of emotions, love, closeness and connection. It�s what you seek and what you fear most.

Because you are here to explore the emotions theme fully, you may start off of the shadow side, having experiences that cause you to numb out and not feel your feelings. Or you may stuff your feelings in other ways, by sweeping what you feel under the carpet, by bottling up and not expressing your emotions or by exploding inappropriately. Or perhaps your emotions get blocked on the releasing side. If this is the case, you could end up torturing yourself for years, by not letting go of events that are long over.

School of wisdom:

Are you a natural born counsellor?

If you struggle to make decisions and suffer from �fence sitting� or �Mr Next Year� syndrome, the good news could be that you�re a natural born wise counselor.

Wise counsellor vs fence sitter

The tented arch fingerprint:

tented arch fingerprint
tented arch fingerprint

tented arch fingerprint

Here�s what a tented arch fingerprint looks like.  Do you have one or more tented arches in your fingerprints?

One of these prints and this is partly your theme. Two or more tented arches then this is an overriding theme in your life.

Commit your marbles. Live your wisdom now!

You�re here to share your wisdom with others.

The downside of this is you could get stuck on the diving board, wanting to be the expert first or know all the facts before making your decision or committing your marbles.

A major part of what you�re here to learn is�.just do it!

Learn through doing, commit, risk failure or criticism.

A good analogy of this is those children�s games where you slide blocks around until the pattern works.

If you don�t slide any block you freeze and can�t see a solution. It doesn�t really matter which block you move as long as you move one.

You can always re-correct if it�s the wrong one but you won�t know until you actually do it.

School of Peace:

Are you a peace keeper or an adrenalin junkie?

The arch fingerprint:

arch fingerprint
arch fingerprint

arch fingerprint

If you have at least one arch fingerprint you are in this school.

Do you find yourself always running, trying to juggle too many things at the same time? Everything�s a struggle, I�m behind, the body is an enemy, it�s not safe here�?

If you feel like you're always on the frontline, and you're either running from this feeling, or numbing out as a result...

It could be that you�re a peace keeper.

To get to this point you first need to learn to feel safe in your body and on the planet.

This implies moving from the battle front to finding a deep sense of peace within yourself.Finding a balance between work and play, moving from struggle, body based fear or numbness to inner peace, joy of being alive.

Would you like to learn how to read fingerprints properly?

Find out about Jenna's 8 foundation classes on fingerprints (soul psychology markers) and the supporting manual here: Understanding fingerprints This is a follow on course from Jenna's 12 Foundation classes and basic manual on hand markers (personality psychology). More information on the foundational course here.