Healing trauma across multiple generations – can fingerprints help?

trauma inherited through multiple generations Is it possible that trauma gets passed on from generation to generation and perhaps even shows up in a person’s fingerprints?
It seems so.

Inherited symptoms from trauma is already well recognized and researched by trauma therapists like Peter Levine who has documented several case studies. There are also some therapies like Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations that are focused specifically on healing collective or inherited trauma or uncompleted family issues. This is also the focus of much of Thomas Huebl‘s work which aims to heal collective trauma still present, particularly in Germany and Isreal, due to the Holocaust.

But is it possible that multiple generational trauma also shows up in one’s fingerprints?
I think it does!

In his book LifePrints, deciphering your life purpose from your fingerprints, Richard Unger correlates arch type fingerprints with fears that cause people to behave as if they have previously experienced trauma even if they haven’t. They are hyper-vigilant or always in flight and in extreme cases numbed out, as if born with PTSD/post traumatic stress syndrome. And fingerprint patterns form in utero. Some hand analysts think of this as past life memory but what if it were epigenetcs/inherited memory?
It would be interesting to see some research done exploring the correlation between confirmed multiple-generational trauma cases and the person’s fingerprints, and wherever possible, the parents’ and perhaps even grand parents’ fingerprints too.

Personally I think that each of us is born with an inherited “chemical addiction” to certain feeling states, such as shame, guilt, fear and so on. The issues this relates to are precise and visible in the fingerprints. One merely has to re-language Unger’s thesis and a whole blueprint emerges to help people make sense of and master their own subtle body competencies. In other words, it is a precise frequency map. The beauty of this system is it can be used by people to move forward even while still in a shut down state.

Mythologize rather than pathologize

There’s a strong danger that once a correlation between transgenerational trauma and fingerprints is recognized it could be pathologized. This would be a mistake and could merely keep us trapped. I like Jean Houston’s advice, which has helped many people recover from deep shame or other extreme circumstances, “Mythologize don’t pathologize.” See your life as a hero’s journey with many severe challenges en route.
Or in Huebl’s language: “Each of us is a walking question.” Eventually we become “walking answers” for others…

Think of fear as frozen energy and ancestral fears as a deep well; a rich inheritance of energy we can one day learn to access and use in a creative way.

Treatment for trauma? Things that are good for all of us, shake your body, breath work, sound therapy, reach out to others/secure relations…
and radical reframing…most importantly, the idea that we can’t be fixed because we are not broken. We are unbreakable!

More posts on fingerprints and life purpose?
Understanding fingerprints
What’s my purpose?
Why can’t you live your life purpose?
Light vs lack
Change your level change everything
How to shine
The paradox of purpose

Credits and resources
Image by Ricardo Moura in unsplash.com

Moving beyond collective trauma? See The Pocket Project (Thomas Huebl)
Healing family and ancestors? – I recommend the family constellations work of Jill Purce

A course on fingerprint decoding? details

5 thoughts on “Healing trauma across multiple generations – can fingerprints help?

  1. Kristina Reply

    Dear Jena !
    Wow ! Such a great and important topic. Thank you so much, Jena !
    This topic brings tears in my eyes (which is mainly almost impossible for me, to access my emotions).
    I know from my session with you that I have this transgenerational trauma in my fingerprints. I had not much information on my ancestors at that time. I am still working on that…but I took your advice to my heart and searched. Recently, I have had so many huge emotional trauma flashes (I suffer from PTSD on general)…I thought that the only reason is my own experience in childhood, but it is true, I have had also some too intense “social and national rage” that had been making my own condition even worse. I had a session with a psychic/shaman, I was told that there are the ancestors wanting the healing from me in order to heal their own suffering. I do not know who are these ancestors. In my family, nobody talked about the past . For my situation so far, I found my German ancestors (I guess those from bi-national marriages around the 2nd WW, I shall have no genetical connection to them, which is interesting) -but those are those who suffered themselves through genocides short after the WW II, through property loss and expulsion, they were innocent. They carry the guilt, the fear, anger, hopelessness. I carry it with them.
    This story has been hunting me for the past one year very deeply. After the shamanic session, I calmed little down. This particular topic had not let me into a PTSD flash anymore since that time, not that intense. A little miracle.
    I might also have other individual ancestors who I cannot identify clearly, just I have some information from family…somebody committed a suicide, 2 people being emotionally abused by their spouse…they died in a young age on physical disease (not sure whether it is connected), 2 men died in young age after WW I, physical disease, children left alone in early age only with mother -since 120 years a rule, no men, no support, hard work in agriculture. I always have had the impression to have had no ancestors (as in my family, I was treated as outcast, not belonging to it, the nice ancestors died before my birth..).
    I try to think about it the way that when I had not known many of family members as they lived, did not hear about them, they do visit me, anyway. I love the way of thinking of one as a hero (not a pathology I need to carry with). I have some impression that when I will be able to heal myself better, and the ancestors included (I can hardly shake them off, I also thought about that), they will be my helpers, they will be like a true, supportive family.
    I don´t know yet where to search much (the shaman I found does not deal with this topic and cannot help me more), thus thanks a lot for the information where to start to find further help !

    Much love, Kristina

  2. Jena Griffiths Post authorReply

    Dear Kristina, reminding you to see this as your hero’s journey, that you are whole and on purpose. Each of us is a “walking question” says Huebl, each life answers some question for life.
    Perhaps we could think of past generational trauma as additional energy reserves that are still frozen or un-tapped. We simply have to learn to free this energy… We look for water and find oil. Now we need to discover or develop the technology to use these hidden reserves.
    Re resources mentioned above:
    Peter Levine teaches in Zurich every summer so there must be many students of his around.

    Also Thomas Huebl is starting some new courses soon:
    one on dealing with stress and later one on working with cultural/transgenerational trauma See the pocket project for this

    For hands-on grounding see Markus Hirzig class related to this http://earthuni.com/basecamp

    Also there are many sound healers around, for example Christine Grimm
    or internationally

    With love

  3. Bakhat yar Reply

    This article sheds light on an intriguing and innovative approach to addressing intergenerational trauma, using fingerprints as a potential key to healing. The idea that our life experiences could leave an imprint on something as unique as our fingerprints is both fascinating and thought-provoking.

    Trauma’s long-lasting effects on individuals and their descendants have been a subject of growing interest in recent years. Exploring unconventional avenues like this can lead to breakthroughs in understanding and mitigating these effects. While this concept is in its early stages, it opens up exciting possibilities for future research and therapeutic interventions.

    It’s crucial to approach this field with sensitivity and ethical considerations, as the implications are profound. If we can find ways to heal trauma across generations, it could have a transformative impact on mental health and well-being.

    However, it’s essential to remember that science often advances incrementally, and many questions remain unanswered. Nevertheless, the pursuit of knowledge and healing in this area is commendable, and I look forward to seeing how this research unfolds and potentially benefits individuals and communities dealing with the legacy of trauma.

    Kudos to the researchers and scientists who are pushing the boundaries of our understanding of human experience and resilience.

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