FREE Hand analysis Teleclass...

'Your Heart is in your Hands'

Jena interviews Pamelah Landers on heartlines

Topic: How your heartline reveals
your communication style

Are you a big heart, caring, sharing type expressing your feelings at the drop of a hat
or are you a hermit in urgent need of cave time?
Or are you a passionate hot-blooded type, focused on your own needs
or a romantic idealist?

Why is it so important to know your type?

Pamelah has just brought out the latest edition of her book on heartlines
'Your heart is in your hands'.

To get a summary of the book and learn the basics on this topic, listen to my interview.
We discussed some material that isn't even in the book!

In the interview I get Pamelah to share detailed information about how to figure out
what type you are and what this means.

You’ll learn:

  • What heart lines are
  • How you can identify your heartline type
  • The importance of living your type
  • What it means if you have more than one type
  • The meaning of broken heartlines
  • The difference between the right vs. the left hand
  • And, much more...

To gain instant access just type in your First Name and Primary Email
where shown below and then click the "Submit" button.

Once you have signed in you will be able to listen live or download the class onto your computer or ipod.

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You can order 'Your heart is in your hands' as an ebook here

To learn more about what your hands are trying to tell you, become a member of Jena's mastermind study group. Find out more here.