
Why keep a record of your fingerprints?

Your fingerprints contain a wealth of information about who you are and why you are.

We recommend you record them for posterity. In years to come your children, grandchildren, even great grandchildren will find these records extremely useful.

We also recommend that you record your parents' and grandparents' fingerprints for the same reason.

Keep your family's fingerprint records in a safe place where they won't get lost. A good place would be with other important personal records, such as your birth certificate and will.

Fingerprints don't change. They only have to be recorded once.

How to photograph your fingerprints.

Fingerprints are relatively easy to photograph.

Use a simple digital camera and set it to a high quality image setting.
Set the camera to ultra close up mode.
(Usually the symbol of a flower or flower with magnifying glass.
Click flower twice for magnifying symbol or see your camera's manual)

Use bright sunlight or a simple flash.

Move the finger towards or away from the camera lens until the image is sharp.

Immeadiately delete all images that are not sharp.

You can photograph all four fingers in one frame or try focusing on one or two at a time.

Photograph the thumbs separately.

Feeling creative? Use colour (block ink,lipstick,eye liner, boot polish, etc�) to help bring the contours into relief.

Important reminder: label the images accurately or your report will also be inaccurate! (example: right hand, index finger.)

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