- Clear insight into your life purpose
- Closer alignment to your authentic self
- More self compassion
- Individual sessions
- Couple sessions
- Follow up sessions
Book a session wherever you are in the world
A hand printing kit is sent to you by fast mail
Email your hand prints back to us
Jena analyses your fingerprints and creates your Life Purpose chart.
We meet online through Zoom.
We look at your hand prints together and explore how to unlock your life purpose.
You receive a video replay of our session
Book a consultation with Jena wherever you are in the world. 20 minute consultation $100 90 minute consultation $250
Feedback from people from all around the world
“Your session moved me deeply because I felt seen and acknowledged for who I really am. Your kindness, wisdom and compassion made it easy to open myself fully for what you brought. It is with me and I am working with it every day.”
– Anna V
“Your reading about my life purpose, how to get there and what the stumbling blocks are, which have been created by me and which have been there since birth was right on and given me confidence moving forward. I have always had a sense of all these things but never had someone articulate it so beautifully and as a result see it clearly without my usual second guessing or obsessing. Thank you. ”
– Christine
‘I feel less wrong and more confident and I feel I know what I’ve got to do now. Thank you.’
– Sarah
‘Jena highlighted in bullet point who I am and what I need to work on in this life, better than I could have done myself. Until I spoke to her for my hand analysis, I kind of had an idea of who I was, but I have never been able to summarize it. She gave me, among other things, the courage to write more consistently. I had never thought of writing before as a way of expanding my boundaries, and this worked very well for me. I wrote a draft of a book in 20 days! She also gave me the confidence to have a look at other areas of my life, like leadership, which I am currently working on. I recommend Jena to anyone wanting to reconnect with their true self and start their self discovery trip.’
– Roberta.
‘The reading was fascinating and really so specific to me, it has given me a lot of clarity about what I need to do for myself.’
– Angie
‘I’ve just finished listening to the recording of the hand analysis you did for me and just wanted to say thank you so much again. Listening to it a second time was even more insightful and has made me realize just how much knowledge and wisdom you have helped me to access about myself. You have a real talent and I’m so glad I went with my instinct of choosing you to do my hand analysis. It was a lovely experience and you’re approach is so warm, friendly and fun, as well as being professional. I feel I have an incredibly detailed and full picture of my true self now and one that was communicated to me with real emotional intelligence and with great analogies by yourself. I now know my talents, strengths and life purpose, as well as the things I need to work on. Thanks so much! I will treasure this information forever.’
– S.A.
Your hand analysis is invaluable. Immediately, it has given me clarity and a direction to focus and I’m truly grateful for this. I have listened to the recording twice since and I continue to gather new insights. Your website is a wonderful resource too. I truly admire your work, your natural, warm manner, understanding and support.
Thank you, with love,
Patricia V.
‘What’s my Life Purpose? That was the question I wanted to get an answer to when I signed up for a hand analysis with Jena Griffiths. I was contemplating taking a completely different route in life. This time I thought it would make sense to really check if that was the right move as it was quite a big investment both financially and emotionally.
I didn’t know what to expect but the Hand Analysis Reading felt more like a proper coaching session than anything else, but instead of getting questions from a coach my hands were leading the way. Jena is extremely knowledgeable, professional and detailed in her work and she was giving me verification after verification on my life purpose, my life lessons and what type of careers would make sense for me. This helped me to start looking at my strengths that I’m already born with, instead of continuing to bump against obstacles and stay in the feeling of being stuck or in the wrong place.
I also appreciate that Jena recorded the reading so I could listen afterwards and let all the information sink in. Jena’s reading also made me take a solid decision of what to do in life. I signed up for a certification course in the Grief Recovery Method® just days after seeing Jena. I can warmly recommend Jena Griffiths.’
– Karin A H.
“The hand analysis reading with Jena was amazing! The accuracy with which she described my passions, purpose and personality was remarkable. She brought tears to my eyes as she explained some things to me that gave me a deep sense of relief and even deeper clarity in accepting myself and nurturing the good in me. She speaks from the heart to the heart, and her sessions empower, clarify and give peace of mind. They also give wonderful insights and answers to question regarding our gifts and our challenges. I can highly recommend her readings to anybody seeking better understanding of their deepest longings, purpose and clues on how to live more joyfully connected to your higher life purpose.”
Dear Jena, I wanted to shoot you an email to say THANK YOU for my hand analysis and consult! I have felt a sort of uneasiness for a couple of years that there is something more for me to do with my life, but still enjoy trading. So I have felt quite conflicted. I realized after the consult yesterday that I don’t have to choose between trading and something else. It all makes sense now that I have a mind that needs to be trading, but also a soul that needs to express itself more fully. I know now that I can continue to trade, but also bring about my creative side in the form of being an author. I have a list of potential books to write that have been on my computer for years and I added to it today with 10 more ideas…. I feel so free like I’ve been let out of the shackles I’ve been trapped in thinking I can only choose one purpose. My mind has been getting fulfilled, however my soul has been screaming it needs to do more than just make a lot of money. Realizing it’s been there for me to see all along in my own hands is humbling. Thank you for pointing out to me what my soul has been prodding at me. You have an amazing gift Jena! Thank you for listening to your purpose so the rest of us can find ours!
Fantastic analysis as well as your wonderful ability to make me feel comfortable in being vulnerable to opening up to you…which I rarely ever do!
With Deepest Gratitude,
Elisabeth B
“I booked an appointment with Jena, and am very glad I did. I am not one to run from astrologer to psychic and so am very careful of who I open myself up to, as it is so important to do this type of work with people with deep integrity and real spirituality. Jena is such a person.
I actually got my question of “what is the purpose of my life” answered. And I knew it was true as my body responded with tears; A sure sign that she hit on something real and true. I thought such highly of the reading that I had my husband do a reading as well, and he also loved it.
Jena is a wonderful person, deep, thoughtful and I really recommend working with her.”
Leslie K
Dear Jena, I had to write to you after our call today. I was blown away by your accuracy of my personality traits and how you opened me to my true purpose. I have been praying for guidance towards my purpose in life and the first words you said, spoke directly to my soul! Thank you again for all of your insight and warmth. If anyone is looking for answers to these gnawing questions as to who you are, why you are here and what it’s all about, Jena’s insight is a gift to allow you to get closer to who you were really meant to be! With gratitude…
– Susan R
Dear Jena,
I am writing to let you know that I have been overcome by a feeling of elation since our session. This is quite significant, as I have been in a state of quasi despair over the last few months, or shall I say years! When you spoke to me about what my prints revealed, it felt as though you speaking directly to my soul,and I felt instant recognition in all that was being revealed.I could not contain the tears at one point, but the tears were not of sadness, but of joy, perhaps the joy that one feels when being seen, heard and validated for the first time.That’s what it felt like for me, after a lifetime of invisibility and self doubt. It felt as though all the dots that had been scattered around me at random in my life finally came together and formed a clear path before me that became illuminated. It is a path that my soul recognized instantly as it felt so comfortable and familiar.
I truly have no words to thank you for such a gift. I myself am a psychotherapist, and have sought therapy myself for many years in an effort to understand my struggles in searching for my soul’s purpose, my true purpose!. I have spent thousands of dollars for answers that I had inside of me all along….Therapy drove me away from my purpose in that it cast doubts in my mind, while what you were able to do was draw me back to my soul’s purpose and validate all I have been feeling as true throughout my life. I feel, after our session, a renewed commitment toward Self,a desire to honour my self and accept myself for the uniqueness that I am, and embrace the challenges that I face rather than hide away from them, for without them, there is no self realization. As you stated with such wisdom, our challenges in life are our greatest teachers, and thus they should be blessed.
Please continue to do this work, dear Jena, as you do it with such heart, compassion and clarity of purpose. The energy that comes through in your session, is one of pure love along with a great desire to be of assistance to those of us who are seekers, not only for knowledge, but for inspiration. The session we had touched me deeply, and you have left me with the inspiration to reconnect with the joys of my heart and share it with others.
Loredana M, Quebec
‘You put your finger right on the point and the advice you gave really helps!’ S.F. London, UK
‘Dear Jena, thank you for reminding me of why I’m here. You gave me the courage to really go for it! I now have my book written and published and I have a practice that really makes a difference. I help battered women and children recover their lives.’
– Aldine D.
‘Thank you for being such a special influence in my life. It’s a miracle that I found you when I did. I feel truly blessed.”
– Christina H.
‘You haven’t just given me abstract information. You have given me real, concrete, useful information about how to use my talents to strengthen the less developed parts of myself. Thank you for sharing your unique gift!’
– Barbara H. PhD Counseling, Jungian psychologist
“After leaving you I actually dropped by a church, and I thought about what you told me with a lot of gratefulness.”
– SR, Artist
“Thank you very much for my hand analysis. It is the first ‘official’ one I’ve had and it really opened my eyes or to be more precise put my inner feelings and knowings in my face so I couldn’t look away or ignore them any longer! I came in searching for my life purpose and came out not only knowing it but immediately taking concrete steps to live it. It has opened a whole new energy realm inside me. What came out as holding me back are things I am very conscious of but your description of taking them as one of many sides to my personality really helped to put everything in perspective. Thank you again! I recommend having your hands analyzed by Jena if you also have had enough of sitting in the dark!”
– Natalie G
“Jena was my personal guide and my personal guardian angel for 2 hours. On my journey with Jena we had an encounter with my inner master mind and its inhabitants: my inner friends, my resources, and my sub – personalities who can help me in any project I want to bring out into the world.
Thank you Jena for this precious journey into my inner soul and it is such an enriching experience to encounter myself every day and stay connected with my inner spirits and friends and to continue this exploration.
With immense Love
” I would like to thank you for your presence in my life. I feel blessed to have met you and that your words, analysis and beautiful spirit accompanied me in magnificent and more challenging times!”
– Undine G
“I had my hands read by Jena Griffiths and it was a completely eye opening experience! She pointed out things that were so accurate—things that many people don’t know about me and she weaved it together in such a way that I could see the way out of my self-made dead-ends. One of the biggest things she got me to see was to re-frame one skill to support my talents, instead of in opposition. I have spent the past few months making time to create new intentions based on what we discussed in the reading. And I have been able to make huge changes in my personal life. In fact, the past 6-8 months have been the most accelerated growth I’ve had in many years. I am now taking it a step further and using this tool to help my business and professional growth. Thank you, Jena not only for your ability to skillfully find the heart of the issues and guide us with your amazing words and clarity.” – Anuradha K
‘Thank you Jena, what you said has really helped me. I think people should just pay you thousands and spend a whole day with you!’ V.R. (Switzerland)
Eine Handanalyse von Jena Griffiths ist wie eine Wanderung, bei der man sich an ihrer Hand auf einen Weg begeht. Feinfühlig, aber klar, präzis, aber nicht rechthaberisch zeigt sie, welche Chancen in unserm Leben angelegt sind, worauf wir uns verlassen können, womit wir uns abzufinden haben. – Wer sich noch besser kennenlernen moechte und auch bereit ist, in den Spiegel zu schauen, wird von einer Handanalyse durch Jena Griffiths profitieren.
K.Z. (Switzerland)
‘Your fee is really reasonable. In just one hour, you’ve given me more clarity than what I gained through years of therapy. I cannot put a monetary value to this! Thank you!!’ S.F. (Switzerland)