The Art of Threading
with Richard Unger

There’s simply no better way to sharpen your eyeballs
and stay in shape as a hand analyst or take your
threading skills to the next level than by exploring real hands
with Richard. Especially when he explains in great detail what
he sees and how one hand marker impacts on another.
And, it’s a lot of fun.
Richard’s gentle humor and profound wisdom make it
a monthly meeting to look forward to.
Why should you be on these calls?
Threading markers together is a complex art,
and a vital skill on the path to mastery.
Who better to learn this from than Richard himself?
“I’ve spent years doing practical supervision with Richard
and I’m always amazed at how much I learn each time we
look at a new pair of hands. Now you too can have this
experience, for a fraction of the price.” Jena Griffiths
These calls are designed for advanced and master hand analysts
all around the world, but beginners are welcome.
When do these calls take place?
These threading practice sessions take place every month,
in the week after the topic calls.
In the 2 months when there are no advanced threading calls you will
receive a topic call from that month instead.
They follow the same themes as the monthly topics, teaching you how to
combine the hand markers we discussed the week before with other markers
in the hand, in a way that serves and empowers the owner.
How can you join these classes?
One advanced threading class & queries
Learn how to combine fingerprints (soul markers) with palm markers
Submit questions and hand prints, attend
live webinar, get video replay and all
reference documents.
Click here for more information
$47 $37 per month
Each month you get:
- a chance to ask questions live during the call.
- the audio replay to download – so you can listen to these calls over and over
and keep them as a reference guide to refer to whenever needed. - a video replay – so you can watch exactly to see what markers we are referring to.
- You also get 2 reference documents of all the hand prints.
One with each marker we discussed clearly highlighted with reference notes
of what was discussed, plus summary notes.

Feedback from previous participants
Master Hand Analyst
Pascal Stoessel
I’ve being reading hands for 16 years and teaching Richard’s system for
11 years. I subscribe to Jena’s classes with him because each time at
least 20% is new material. It helps to maintain an exceptionally high
standard and I like to pass this on to my own students.
Richard has such a deep intuitive wisdom about hands and combined with
Jena’s probing questions rich new material rises to the surface.
Thanks Jena for making this series available. It’s a fantastic way for
us to access all the wisdom that Richard hasn’t yet written down.
– Pascal Stoessel, IIHA faculty teacher, Switzerland.
Kay Packard
Founder AAHA
Jena’s Earth School hosting Richard Unger is extremely educational,
reinforcing and fun. Richard’s wit makes the lectures entertaining
and therefore the information easy to recall. The topic lectures are
for the beginner and the advanced hand analyst. Even though I’ve heard many
of his teachings before I still walk away with several jewels that I can use
for myself, personally, and pass along to my students and clients.
The advanced threading calls are extremely useful. The documents
prepared by Richard and Jena include clear hand prints and notes relating
to all of the markings discussed. I highly recommend both the lecture series
and the advanced threading calls to anyone.
I am grateful for nuggets of Richard’s 30+ years of experience
to be shared in the clearest and crispest way possible.
Thanks Jena for making this series available.
– Kay Packard, Founder and Director of the American Academy of Hand Analysis
Brent Bruning
Advanced Hand Analyst
“I am really enjoying the pace of the calls and the breadth of Richard’s
information covered on each subject. A simple concept like heart lines
expands quickly into a discussion of all line configurations in the hand.
Exciting and invigorating to listen to and expand your database of hands in
a whole new way. What happens when an Apollo life lesson and an Apollo line
show up on the same hand? Looking forward to tuning into next week.”
– Brent Bruning
500 hundred hands project