Earth School- First Complimentary call on solutions to depression
‘Breath as Cure’
Jena interviews Dr Judith Kravitz
Topic: Breath as Cure
Hi, Jena here,
This is your personal invitation to join me this Friday at 11 am US Eastern, 5 pm Switzerland/Central Europe
while I interview Dr Judith Kravitz on her invigorating solution for the blues, sadness and depression.
Dr Kravitz is author of Breath deep, laugh loud and founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation.
She has dedicated nearly 3 decades to her life to sharing her simple technique with millions of people worldwide.
During the call youíll learn:
- How breath can change patterning at the deepest most permanaent level
- Why breath is the most profound tool we have for total mental and emotional health
- How breathe can access and completely clear past traumas
- How breath can change energetic patterns in our electromagnetic field and why this helps
- How to get immediate help with depression
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Judging by her hectic schedule this must be so!
Dr Kravitz will be giving a worshop near Geneva on 15/16/17 October 2010. More details: