Diamonds are NOT a girl’s best friend

(FREE hand analysis class)
Diamond formation under the middle finger

hand analysis tip, Saturn finger markers, how to read a palmDiamonds are great to have, but not when it comes to markers in your hand.

Unlike stars, diamonds are line formations you really don’t want to have in your hands.

Why not?

Because usually they mean frozen energy of one sort or another. What they mean exactly depends on where they show up in your hands.

Diamonds under your middle finger (Saturn) are quite rare. If you’ve got this marker in your hand you’ll be keen to get rid of it because it mean frozen assets.

This is a marker that forms to warn you that if your money reserves or property is blocked, at a deeper level it has to do with blocked inner assets. Hands are a perfect reflection of how one’s outer world reflects one’s inner reality. This is a great example. Saturn diamonds indicate that you have talents and gifts that you are not conscious of that can’t be utilized until you start paying attention to other markers in your hands. We’ll be discussing this marker and several others related to Saturn in tomorrow’s mastermind class.

The next mastermind class – you’re invited!

Tomorrow’s next mastermind class is Wednesday, 21 May, 2008. You’re invited to attend just this once, free of charge.

We’ll be looking at all the ways Saturn energy shows up in your hands.
hand analysis classes, how to read a palmThis gory painting by Goya is my favorite image of Saturn, also known as Chronis, the god of time who ate his children.
Saturn does this sort of thing if you don’t pay attention to him!

Saturn is a hard task master. He’s all about time, detail, money responsibility and contracts.
He’s a master teacher and he specializes in issues related to self worth, value, integrity and guilt. We’ll be looking at your middle finger, the lines and other markers that show up under this finger and what they mean specifically.

We’ll be looking at the connection between self worth and integrity and also how your hands reveal what ingredients are missing or where you need to focus more to keep Saturn from gobbling you up.

If you’d like to listen in to this class you can register at the bottom of the member’s page for free.
Regarding the hand analysis classes, seats are filling fast and numbers will be limited to 10 participants. If you wish to attend be sure to book soon. I’ve changed the structure of the course to include all the basics you need to get started reading hands. The course will include a comprehensive manual on the 6 essential steps to reading hands and fingerprints. For more details about the course content contact me direct on jena or go here.

Interview series

The other news is that I’ll be interviewing Ghanshyam Singh Birla on June 23rd.
More on this soon.


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