Sometimes a person’s hands get so red they almost look painted red.
Strong colors in your hands reflect strong emotions. And they can appear or disappear in a flash.
Perhaps even while driving your car?
Red means anger or suppressed rage. For example, due to thwarted ambition.
You might see this color on a teenager’s hands when they’re not allowed to do whatever it is they wanted.
Sometimes the hand stays red for months on end.
If so, check to see what part of the hand is red. This might give you some idea what the rage is about.
Sometimes the moon area of your hand goes quite red. This is the outer, lower part of the palm, away from your thumb.
Here’s what it looks like
Richard Unger says that this color shows up in the moon area when a person is not addressing their unmet, unspoken personal needs.
Sometimes I see this during a hand analysis session. The moon goes bright red as we discuss life purpose. It’s as if on a deeper level the person recognizes that they’re not paying attention to their inner world or life purpose. Perhaps you could think of this as spiritual rage or frustration?
What to do about extreme colors in your hands?
This is the topic of our call with Richard Unger, May 8, 2012.
We’ll be discussing hand color and the transmutation process, including the step by step process to work through the emotions your hands are expressing though extreme color.
More info about this call here.
What do the other colors mean?
Blue means sadness
White means fearful
Yellow means self critical.
The color of your hands is always changing moment by moment but sometimes it stays one color for months, even years.
The other day I was looking at a man’s hands. They were really earthy hands with coarse thick skin.
To my surprise, the fingers suddenly turned bright yellow while I was looking at them.
We spoke a while and, as the man relaxed, the color went back to normal.
What had happened?
He’d had a severely critical thought of himself and then had let go of this thought.
More on this? Here’s a post I wrote about yellow hands and here’s more about taming the inner critic.
I dont know why I was so pissed off, but I was Last Wk., Maybe the moon…YA!
I have seen the color mentioned above. I am doing better I have a dry hand problem/maybe not itchy, but could be stress.
I have a limited meds left I have been trying to get rid of it
I appreciate it Thanks!