Are you a storyteller?

A new series of advanced hand shapes archetypes classes starts tomorrow in Earth School with Richard Unger and Jena Griffiths.
This month we’ll be exploring the Storyteller archetype over two 90 minute calls.
What is the Storyteller type?
Here’s a short video of Richard explaining some of the basics of this type. Scroll down to see a good hand print example and what to look for.

Click here to watch all the free videos on understanding archetypes through hand shape.
How to recognize this type?
Note the large bulge on the lower part of the palm away from the thumb (ulnar side).
This is called the “Moon area” of the hand because it indicates a rich inner world – imagination and spirituality. Combine this with a longish pinkie finger (communication/quick-witted) and you have the storyteller archetype.
How can you tell if the pinkie is long?
Check to see if the little finger reaches above the upper joint of its neighboring ring finger.
How do you see if the moon is large?
Look at the hand print below. This is an extreme example. It could also bulge upwards as in the hand print shown in the video.
>storyteller hand shape, online hand analysis classes, hand shape archetypes with Richard Unger of International Institute of Hand Analysis
To join this series of calls or to watch the free videos series on understanding your archetypes through hand shape click here.

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