How mythology helps us make sense of our lives

Here’s an excellent discussion with Jungian Analyst and author James Hollis, PhD, speaking with Banyen’s podcast host Ross McKeachie on the themes explored in his book, ‘Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Times of Change’.

I’m posting this here because Hollis clearly explains why the study of literature and mythology is crucial for understanding ourselves and each other. In his opinion, and I totally agree with him, the study of literature and mythology is the foundational bed rock upon which other psychological studies should rest rather than precede. These behavioral archetypes play out over and over in all our lives. They are patterns we can learn to see and understand through the universality of the human psyche.

From a hand analysis perspective, our hands are mirrors, clearly and elegantly expressing and revealing these mythological characteristics through hand shape, line formations and fingerprints. We can see the bigger picture, our mythological nature, and where we are in the story, and what our options are, thereby putting ourselves in the middle of our heroes journey with a sense of clarity and agency rather than the powerlessness or hopelessness of believing we are at the end.
It’s high time that hand analysis, as a modality, be appreciated as an important diagnostic tool and vital wayfinder. More about this here.

Hollis is also author of several books on finding meaning in the second part of life. Says, Hollis in the first half of life we ask, “what does the world want from me”, in the second half, “what is wanting expression through me?”

I can help you answer these questions through an exploration of the mythological archetypes visible both in your personality (hand shape and line formation) and in your soul psychology (fingerprints).
Agreed, your purpose changes over time. But the core drives are always there. These are your North Star.

2 thoughts on “How mythology helps us make sense of our lives

  1. Sara Kroft Reply

    I found your exploration of mythology’s relevance to our lives intriguing and insightful. It’s fascinating how ancient stories still resonate today, offering timeless wisdom and a framework for understanding our own journeys. Looking forward to diving deeper into this topic!

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