Can palm reading plus EFT cure the inner critic?
Wow what a call! I’m just off the line after our webinar where we EFT tapped on the inner critic using hand analysis/palm reading markers. All of us on the …
Wow what a call! I’m just off the line after our webinar where we EFT tapped on the inner critic using hand analysis/palm reading markers. All of us on the …
If you’re struggling to slay your inner critic and wondering what this has to do with palm reading and fingerprints, read on. Image by A river runs through via Flickr …
Here are the objectives of this purpose driven palm reading website: To help you live a happy, balanced, authentic life in an easy, relaxed manner and in a healthy, positive …
Here’s a secret I learnt through palm reading: Life is actually not that complicated. We just make it that way with our big brains. The bigger your brain is, the …
Not many of us can “feel the fear and do it anyway” but its getting easier thanks to hand analysis (modern scientific palm reading). Can you walk through flames or …
Life Purpose Hand Analysis is a modern form of palm reading that shows you what you’re trying to put on back to front and where your main buttons are. Does …
Palm reading can save your life by showing you who you really are. Are you listening to your own drummer or trying to play by someone else’s rules? Emerson once …
Palm reading reveals which side you’re on in the battle of the sexes. Look at your hands. Have you got few lines or lots of lines? Now look at this …
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is breakthrough healing technique that I have recently used with great success on fingerprint markers (life purpose/life lesson) and other key palm reading markers to help …
Image by vovchychko via Flickr Easter eggs Help!! My computer is making funny noises! seems the universe has other ideas for me this w/e! Was going to write about ‘Giant …