Are you a dancer?

This post is dedicated to Anuradha Kowtha who asked me how dancing shows up in your hands.
Anuradha has dancing in her veins and teaches an ancient form of connecting with the divine in you.
I told Anuradha to look for a large bulge where the Venus mount (the ball of the thumb) meets the wrist.
This is called an “angle of harmony” and indicates a sense of rhythm and a talent for dance.
Funnily, the day after I was asked this question the next client who came into my office had a beautiful angle of harmony.
I took a photograph and made hand prints (see below).
My client agreed, she loves to dance and would like to make it a more vital part of her career.
If you have this marker, know that dancing is in your veins. Nurture yourself by putting it top of your agenda.
You need it to stay healthy, happy and sane.
scientific hand analysis, life purpose hand analysis, palm reading marker indicating dancing or sense of rhythm
This hand print is also an example of the “Starlet” archetype. Note the long ring finger and the bulging Venus.scientific hand anaylsis, palm marker showing stardom, palmistry
Other ways creativity shows up in your hands?
Spatulate tipped fingers, A long Apollo finger (ring finger), An Apollo line, An Apollo Star, a talent line, a Fiery hand shape with lots of crackly lines.
As you can see, the hand expresses your creativity in a number of different ways. No way is right or wrong or better than another.
Trust what you already know deep down inside yourself and live it more!

11 thoughts on “Are you a dancer?

  1. barbara Reply

    Jena, Thank you so much for your article. I am intrigued. As a reader I would like to clarify the marker. The photo shows the bulge with a strong angle ( straight area) towards the thumb. The print example is a very round bulge with out the angle. Can you describe the “angle of harmony” and the dancer part for me. I am a dancer, I have a bulge on a fairly flat Venus area with an angle like the photo. Venus is the largest part of my hand.I have Jupiter/Applo, “Big ideas” purpose. Is it more and indication of creativity or specifically dancer?
    I love your work and miss our classes. I am almost ready to rejoin so may soon.
    Barbara Bailey

    • Jena Griffiths Post authorReply

      Hi Barbara,
      You are right. I will change the print to a better example.
      It depends on what else is in your hands.
      Do you love to dance? Perhaps add this to a gift marker such as gifted healer and combine the talents?

      Hugs and thanks for your feedback.

  2. Anuradha Reply

    Thanks Jena! I loved the article! And I keep looking back to it for reference and to remind myself! 🙂 Let’s dance!

  3. Ed Campbell Reply

    This article is helpful for talent. But for shear desire, nothing beats the Girdle of Venus. It is also helpful for performers. The Girdle of Venus is one of the strongest signs of empathy. Dancing, ballroom dancing, is great therapy for the empathetic, because they are generally surrounded by those feeling good, and they eat that up. The same with performers who please the audience. I like to call them psychic vampires in my impish moments.

  4. mark seltman Reply

    I’m married to a modern dancer for over 25 years and can safely say that I’ve read the hands of many hundreds of dancers. I read hands at fund raising events for various dance companies and schools such as the American Ballet Theater School. Although I sometimes observe it, the angle of harmony has not been a predominant feature. I frequently see large balls on fairly low-set thumbs and long ring fingers with whorl prints. I’ve seen more angles of harmony on musicians. It may be a predominant trait in percussionists as I’ve observed it on a lot of them. I agree that there are many ways to see creativity in hands.

    • Jena Griffiths Post authorReply

      Hi Mark,

      I was discussing this marker (angle of harmony) with Richard Unger during a recent call on the Musician/Poet hand shape and he agreed he often sees it on Musician’s hands but not always, more commonly though they seem to have a very broad throat chakra (at base of thumb).
      Angle of harmony is also seen on athlete’s hands.

  5. raj Reply

    Hi Jena,

    I found this article and the comments quite informative. Thanks! But I am more interested about the second last line of your last reply to Mark…”Broad throat chakra…..” In fact I always wanted to know about all the chakras and their relation and position in palms. Do we have an article on that? Overall I found all your writings have a spiritual touch. Which line represents THAT??


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