Our next call is tomorrow with New York shaman Itzhak Beery, one of the western world’s most respected shamans. And you’re invited.

Topic: Depression and Burnout from a Shamanistic Perspective.
Date: 8 December 2010
Time: 2 pm Switzerland/Central Europe, 8am NY, 5am US Pacific.
During the call Itzhak Beery will be sharing his deep wisdom with you.
Please submit your questions for Itzhak now and make sure you don’t miss this fascinating call.
To register for this free call type in your first name and primary email address
where shown below and then click the “submit” button.
If you miss this call, register anyway to get instant access to the replay.
Once registered you can type in any questions you have for Itzhak Beery into the box provided.
We’ll answer your questions during the call.
The replay will be available on the same web page as the call.
Please forward this link to anyone you know of who may benefit.
Who is Itzhak Beery?
Itzhak Beery, Israeli native, is a NYC-based shamanic practitioner who conducts shamanic healing ceremonies, teaches workshops for adults, seniors, teens and children in the USA, Europe, Israel and Hawaii and co-lead trips to Brazil’s Amazon.
Itzhak is a co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle (NYSC).
For more information about Itzhak Berry and this call visit Earth School.
What has this to do with your hands?
If you have moon markers in your hand, such as a line of clairvoyance, or a moon star or any other marker related to deep wisdom Itzhak will inspire you to take your talents more seriously.
To find out more about moon markers, whether you have any and what they mean you can access a free hand analysis class on this topic inside Earth School.