Sometimes thoughts go round and round in your head and you can’t find a way out. When this feeling really stresses you out it eventually shows up as a line formation in your hands. I call this marker ‘The washing machine’ because this is how my hand anlysis teacher, Richard Unger, describes the thought process.
This marker looks like a bubble or diamond on the end of your headline. To see a real life example of this (confused thinking) in a palm print, scroll down to the end of this blog.
What to do?
Find other people to discuss this problem with. You can’t be your own sounding board. As Einstein once said, a problem cannot be solved by the same thinking that caused it.
(If you know the exact quote please post it below!)
Starting September 23rd 2010 I have invited Richard Unger to come and teach you how to read your own hands right here on this site.
Who is Richard Unger?
Richard Unger has been reading hands as a professional hand analyst for over 40 years. He is the founder of the International Institute of Hand Analysis (IIHA). Over the years, Richard has developed several other ground breaking systems, such a gift marker identification, attack lines, the chakras as well as his most famous work: decoding fingerprints for life purpose.
His most recent work is on hand shape identification. He has identified about 30 career archetype hand shapes.
Richard’s massive body of work is always expanding. If you learnt from Richard more than a year ago your data base is out of date.
The good news:
You can now learn directly from Richard right here for only $37 per month.
Sign in now and you will get lots of bonuses starting in August.
If you try to contact me and don’t get a reply,
I’m on holiday in Corsica for the next 2 weeks. I’ll get back to you in August.
What a bubble on the end of a headline looks like in real life:
I don’t really believe on palm reading analysis. However, some people already proved the power of this means. Imagine you can simply know your future with the lines drawn in your palm.
Howard, the system I use does not try to predict the future. It gives you tools to see yourself and your potential more clearly.
It’s a great combination with what you do – NLP.
The lines show your incredible potential and where you are holding yourself back. You can identify positive and negative subpersonalities – your inner friends and inner enemies. Your fingerprints show a deeper sacred contract. What you are doing on the planet….
Hi Jena, I don’t see a photo here of the bubble on the end of a headline. Am I just confused :-)?
You’re right Jane!
Thanks for pointing this out.
Will fix right away.
More on Learning directly with Richard Unger:
I’ve been a student of Richard Unger for 8 years and I’m still learning. The wealth of information he has produced is staggering.
There are recordings of many of his classes over the years. These are busy been edited, cleaned up, and converted into digital downloads and will be available on this site in the near future.
Here’s the link for monthly topic calls with Richard.
If you would like to learn Unger’s system more thoroughly there are a number of ways to do this.
1. You could take a year long certification with one of his students teaching at the IIHA or teaching independently of IIHA. Advanced and master courses are also available through IIHA. You can do the first year online through Ronelle Coburn (IIHA) or Kay Packard (now her own school).
2. You could learn through Richard’s most well known student, Baeth Davis. Baeth adds a wealth of coaching information and Bill Glazer style marketing techniques to Richard’s work. Baeth is the person to go to if you want to use hand analysis as an additional tool in your coaching practice rather than if you want to become a professional hand analyst yourself.
If you are a professional hand analyst trained through IIHA, you’ll find Baeth’s material a useful suppliment to your data base. While Baeth doesn’t cover all Richard’s work, particularly his more recent work, she adds tremendous depth to his work. Once you have a decent framework, her work adds depth. But I wouldn’t advise doing it the other way round. Get a solid foundation first.
3. A good way to start is to take my foundational classes. There are 12 classes on personality markers and 8 on soul psychology (fingerprints). These classes are suitable for both advanced analysts and beginners. They give you a framework and and at the same time a huge depth and understanding of the system. These are the classes to take if you are not yet sure if hand analysis is for you. They enable you to explore this system quite thoroughly and are extremely good value for money. I have purposely made them affordable so that more people worldwide can access this material.
This means you can decide whether or not this is your direction before outlaying a small fortune on tuition.
More information on foundation classes here.
I do really agree with Albert Einstein that a problem cannot be solved by the same thinking that caused it. For our problem to be solved we have to think the other way around. Think some alternative and focus on some possibilities not just relying on your palm. I don’t even believe on this. yes, maybe there are some circumstances it help us but it does not mean we used the same solution over and over again. Remember, in every problem there is always solution. Likewise, in every action there is always an opposite reaction from Newtons law.
Anna Marie
your hands are a mirror of your psyche. Sometimes its useful to look in a mirror to see if your lipstick is on, or whther you put it on your nose instead of your lips by accident!
I think it’s useful to look in the mirrror daily even if otehr people don’t believe mirrors exist or are useful…..
My version of Einstein’s quote reads: You cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness where it was created. So, to go beyond a problem, you have to raise your consciousness and what happens is that YOU don’t solve the problem, rather than the problem disappears.:-):-)
Anand, I totally agree