Are you feeling isolated in Zurich or elsewhere?

Your hands are constantly responding to your thoughts and emotions.

This fact is extremely useful because often we aren’t in touch with our own deepest needs or feelings.

Your hands don’t lie, they simply reflect often unconscious truths.

For example, hold your hands up right now.  Does your pinkie finger (also called Mercury finger in hand analysis jargon) stick out away from the rest of your hand?
Mercury finger on own, falling off the cliff, hand analysis classes, scientific palmitsry, palm reading

If it does, this means you’re feeling isolated. The more it sticks out away from the other fingers, the more extreme this condition is.

Sometimes the little finger sticks so far out that it is no longer supported by the palm. This condition is called “falling into the ocean” because symbolically it represents a person toppling off the edge of a cliff.

If you’re a foreigner in Switzerland you might have this condition if you haven’t yet had time to learn the local language, if you aren’t working, or if you don’t have children to help connect you to others. Also, sometimes people feel like foreigners in their own land because they haven’t yet found a supportive group of friends who’re on the same wavelength as they are.

If you are feeling isolated in Zürich I recommend you check out ZIWA (Zurich international Women’s Association) or the American Women’s Club of Zürich or any one of the many clubs or associations in your area. Visit several til you find a group that resonates with you and your interests.

This Sunday 13 Sept, there’s a great opportunity to do just this at the Expat-Expo in Zurich.

The Expat-Expo.

11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Kongresshaus – Gartensaal
Claridenstrasse 3
8022 Zürich

Entrance  is free and many of clubs and companies serving the English community in Switzerland will be there.  Come and meet me and find out more about your life purpose. I’ll be offering mini sessions on and off throughout the day. Also, EFT practitioner Laurene Schaerer- Lindstrom will be present in the morning to help you tap on anything that’s bothering you at the moment.

Jena Griffiths is an advanced certified hand analyst practicing in Zürich, Winterthur and Aarau. To find out more about Jena, hand analysis in Zürich, Life purpose support coaching and the new Saturday morning seminar series visit:

39 thoughts on “Are you feeling isolated in Zurich or elsewhere?

  1. mark@Bunn Coffee Filters Reply

    Well, I read your other post, and I have to say that my pinky finger sticks straight up, so I guess that doesn’t mean that I’m feeling isolated either. That is true because I am finally a very happy relationship!

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    My pinky finger does not stick straight up so I guess I am feeling isolated. I had a great relationship one time but those days are gone now. Maybe the right one will come around again.

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