Understanding advanced hand shapes is possibly the quickest way to get to the core understanding of your or another person’s personality type.
Over the next two weeks we’ll be discussing the “Master of my Domain” hand shape in great detail with Richard Unger in Earth School. (February 19 and 26, 2013.)
What is this type?
Earth hand shape plus dominant Index finger.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this type?
What’s the positive psychology?
Red flags to look out for?
Delicious Dilemmas?
How to help this kind of person live their type?
How to help them integrate their opposite type?
If you would like to explore this hand shape type or more about understanding hand shape in general, get this free class here – on Master of My Domain and on 5 other advanced hand shape archetypes.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hand analyst, knowing and understanding advanced hand shapes will not only shave years off your learning curve. It will put you ahead of the professional hand analysts who haven’t yet taken the time to familiarize themselves with the latest material from Richard Unger. By the end of this course you’ll be able to help your clients align themselves with an authentic career or fine tune their life purpose far more precisely than before.
Listen to the free call here
I’m very interested in knowing more about hand reading
Here are some online foundational classes:
Personality markers (hand shape and lines) – access here
Life purpose/life lesson (fingerprints) – access here