Do you feel like your life is a neverending rollercoaster ride?
One moment high the next you’re plummeting into the pits?
For the next few weeks in Earth School the focus is on composite fingerprints.
What are these?
What do they look like?
What do they mean?
How can knowing about them help you?
What to do if you have a whole handful of composites?
On May 26th 2011 I’ll be interviewing Richard Unger again, author of LifePrints: deciphering your life purpose from your fingerprints– on this topic.
During the second half of the call we’ll focus on 4 “show stopper” composites:
– Composites in the palm (moon)
– Composites on the left hand middle finger
– Composites on left ring finger
– Composites on the left pinkie
If you have a composite prints in your hands or fingerprints its time to listen in.
What does a composite look like?
There are lots of different types and we’ll be exploring many on this blog in the coming weeks.
The most common type is the composite whorl.
This looks a bit like a yin yang symbol or an “S”.

Some schools of hand reading call this a double loop.
What about two composite on the thumb ?
This is what I have + a kind of radial/gamuth/composite on the left Jupiter. (3 IHA readers saw differently my left Jupiter)
Thanks to talk just a little about both thumb/composites
Hi Danielle,
Could you send me a copy of your hand prints to be used in the next call with Richard?
Perhaps your left Jupiter is a radial loop with a slight backpack. It’s a common reading error to call this particular formation a composite or a gamut.
Radial loops are most commonly on Jupiter/index fingers.
I discussed an example of this with Richard during the last advanced theading call. (Crossroads).
Compare your print to the one discussed during this call.
I’ll paste up another example of this in the inner circle membership zone.
Composite whorls on right thumb: the rollercoaster ride is feast or famine; success/no success
Composite whorl on left thumb: the roller-coaster is family works/family doesn’t work.
The on/off happens when you ignore your life lesson. (the theme you are exploring this life time.)
You can purchase a previous class I did on composites here:
The most important and brilliant aspect of finger print is that there are millions of people in this world but every one has unique finger print this point is clearly mentioning that there is the one who is superior of all.
sorry Jenna I did not respond before. Was away, then had problem with my computer.
I will compare with the crossroads threading call.
I’ll send my print tomorrow. The threading is this nextThursday – may be I am too late!
Never mind should it not work.
sir I want to know character of composite whorls & accididental loops
HI, best you read about them in detail in LifePrints deluxe.
Unger’s + 500 page e-book on fingerprints
Roller coaster? Exactly! I have 2 composite whorls. One on my pinky on the left hand and one on the index on my right hand. The rest are whorls, all 8 of them and man… I totally get it when you say roller coaster but I love it cause I just couldn’t stay put. I was a drug addict/alcoholic for 25 years because I thought I have no future so why prolong my life but I was always an artist and that saved me because I have a refuge during my dark times which is making art. I am a graphic designer by profession but I do tattoos too. I worked in a tat shop before becoming a designer. I was an illustrator/ art director for 9 year in an ad agency prior to that and all that time, I was struggling with my drug addictions. My major transformation occured when I was around 45 years. I didn’t do anything for two years and just let my mind absorb all the light that’s coming thru. I’m 55 now and still processing that light. I am more awake now so I can focus this energy in positive things. I have two smart kids both of the have 8 whorls and two of them were composite whorls. I do shows all over the bay area, I’m a muralist, I play the guitar and make my own music, I bake I cook etc etc… 🙂
Patience and believing in self is key.
We Are Essentially Nothing but By The Loving Grace of The Creator GOD. Ultimate Connection is with GOD and GOD exists without needs or reasons.
Hi Mel,
Thank you for your post and your life story which has helped me greatly. My former partner of 30+ years has composite whorls on 8 fingers. Both her ring fingers have plain whorls. She has been a designer, illustrator and graphic artist her whole life. She is also delusional, her delusions are totally real and it’s impossible for her to see anything else. This only affects certain parts of her life and most people regard her as a normal fully functional person. Her delusions have a huge impact on most people, especially those closest, especially our 3 children. Her father was an alcoholic, her mother was very damaged and at times deranged.
I wonder, is there is a specific approach that could be employed to best communicate, love and nurture people with composite whorls?
Best wishes, Jason
Hi Jason, 8 composites is extremely rare. Your former partner is a brave soul. The best thing to do is be fully present with lots of non judgment and compassion for whatever is arising.
My perspective is to see this through the lens of helping to heal collective trauma in the family system. She choice to take on more than most…
Try deeksha (splitting your attention 3 way: focus partly on your body sensations, partly on gratitude/feeling your heart opening or saying yes to the divine and partly on your partner, loving her for whatever she’s stirring up. Also have a look at the work of Thomas Huebl who uses group presencing. See his book, just published, on healing collective trauma.